Beyond reaction norms : the temporal dynamics of phenotypic plasticity

Des chercheurs de la SETE et du CRBE ont publié dans Ecology and Evolution, un article soulignant pourquoi l'échantillonnage itératif de traits phénotypiques dans le temps peut nous aider à comprendre l'adaptabilité de la plasticité par rapport aux changements environnementaux.

Phenotypic plasticity can allow organisms to cope with environmental changes. Although reaction norms are commonly used to quantify plasticity along gradients of environmental conditions, they often miss the temporal dynamics of phenotypic change, especially the speed at which it occurs.

Here, we argue that studying the rate of phenotypic plasticity is a crucial step to quantify and understand its adaptiveness. Iteratively measuring plastic traits allows us to describe the actual dynamics of phenotypic changes and avoid quantifying reaction norms at times that do not truly reflect the organism’s capacity for plasticity. Integrating the temporal component in how we describe, quantify, and conceptualise phenotypic plasticity can change our understanding of its diversity, evolution, and consequences.

Voir aussi

Beyond reaction norms: the temporal dynamics of phenotypic plasticity - L. Dupont, M. Thierry, L. Zinger, D. Legrand & S. Jacob. - Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 39, 41-51. DOI:


Date de modification : 02 septembre 2024 | Date de création : 13 juin 2024 | Rédaction : Tulip Communication