Priorité à l'écologie, au comportement et à l'hybridation plutôt qu'à la génomique et à l'intégrité des espèces dans le cadre de la conservation dans le contexte du changement climatique

Camille Parmesan and Mike Singer from the SETE station published an article in Biological Conservation in May, which argues in favor of setting priorities on ecology/behavior and hybridization over genomics/taxonomy and species' integrity in conservation under climate change.

"Decision making in a time of rapid climate change heightens the risk evaluation aspect of conservation. That is, the risks of both action and inaction are greater in a time of rapid climate change than under climate stability. Climate change is driving novel hybridizations between historically separate species and sub species. Evolutionary biologists have argued that hybridizations, whether caused by climate change or genetic rescue pro jects, may be essential for retaining genetic diversity and adaptive potential at species/genus level.

Conservation practitioners, in contrast, tend to opp ose genetic change, arguing to preserve "purity" of existing groups. Our example of the role of climate change in conservation of the butterfly Edith’s checkerspot , a species with rapid evolution of critical traits and a mosaic pattern of local adaptation, supports the evolutionary biologists' argument. Promoti ng hybridizations at the cost of losing a unique ecotype, sub species or species helps preserve genetic diversity, and preservation of genetic diversity builds climate resilience. Thus, weargue that rapid climate change necessitates a shift in the ethical balance sheet for conservation prioritization."

Voir aussi

Camille Parmesan, Michael C. Singer, Brian Wee, Sasha Mikheyev (2023)
Biological Conservation, Volume 281, May 2023, 109967 
The case for prioritizing ecology/behavior and hybridization over genomics/taxonomy and species' integrity in conservation under climate change.